Oh dear, we seem to have missed winter! That is not to say that we omitted to notice the freezing cold, but just that we missed writing a winter newsletter. Autumn Oracles was already six weeks behind schedule, but now we have hit a new all-time tardiness low by skipping Winter Words all together, our humblest apologies.
Perhaps we can blame the unprecedented winter rains, the best the area has experienced in over 30 years, or the fact that the most beautiful carpet of flowers has been gracing our surrounds from end July, throwing all sorts of winter confusion in the air. It could also be the snowfalls experienced between the glorious rains and extravagant flower displays that whirled our brains into not knowing what season it is anymore.
Whatever the reason, we sit with a missing winter newsletter, but thankfully a spring newsletter in the making. Here’s to new beginnings, not forgetting our correspondence duties in future, and being a tad more timeous.
Sending love along with promises of more focus going forward,
Inga, Albert, the DKG Team, Ferdinand and Ella
At least we seem to be better at looking after our guests than we are at keeping on top of our newsletters if Tripadvisor’s guest reviews are a measure.
Thank you again to all our wonderful visitors who left us wonderful ratings and helped vote us into the top 1% worldwide, and 11th best BnB in Africa!

Another distraction that kept us from tapping out newsy words in winter was the ‘coming of half century age’ by our ship’s captain, Mr T. Obviously the celebrations got in the way of admin, all for a good cause, we say, cheers!

In case you missed the news of our latest team member addition on social media, here she is in all her cute glory – Ella, our GLO (Guest Liaison Officer) 2IC. This pair are the sweetest team, charming guests to no end!
Lucky any form of newsletter materialised, the term ‘the dog ate my homework’ springs (see what we did there) to mind with this little chewing critter in the mix.

Breakfast at Dennehof Karoo Guesthouse is still as grand an affair as ever, even slightly improved. We are proudly serving our neighbour’s happy chicken, free-range, organic eggs, thank you Gay’s Dairy.
They poach so good ‘cause they live so good.

Winter brought with it four sets of snowfall up on the Swartberg Pass, the last being less than a week ago. It has been a cold winter and beginning of spring, but luckily our rooms are cosy and snug for the times it is too cold to be outdoors enjoying the sunshine and fa flowers.

Speaking of sunshine and fabulous flowers, the kaleidoscope of colour brought on by good winter rains has left us all feeling giddy with flower power happiness, even old Ferdinand had a frolicking good time between the veld blomme.

Any day is a nice day for a white wedding at Dennehof Karoo Guesthouse.
Huge congrats Mr and Mrs Loock, look forward to having you back to celebrate many anniversaries in future.

Not just the flowers showing off their intense colours, our garden citrus has been spinning the colour wheel just as fervently. Naartjies, oranges, grapefruits, and kumquats have been adding sweetness and beauty to our breakfast fruit selection.

Our Karoo garden is springing (see what we did there, again!) to life like never before. Kapokbos, Spanspekbos, Blou Alwyn, and Asbos amongst others, are showing off and reveling in the post winter rain glow.

Another successful room revamp might also have kept us from working with words, again then for a good cause.
We love this Banana Dessert colour splash on our Cottage Room walls, with a name like that how could it not be just right for the Karoo.

Thank you Inside Guide for the wonderful feature, the opening paragraph says it all:
“Steeped in history – a national monument (built in 1835, the first homestead in the area) – complete with its own iconic Karoo wind-pump in the garden and a classic deep front stoep, Dennehof will grab your heart before you’ve even stepped inside.”
And if the exterior doesn’t grab your heart straight away, the GLO and his 2IC certainly will!

We are very excited about the upcoming Prince Albert Open Gardens taking place from 30 September to 1 October 2023. Twelve beautiful Karoo gardens will be on display, as well as talks and interactive workshops hosted by renowned personalities and experts such landscape designer Franchesca Watson, Karoo plant ecologist Prof. Sue Milton Dean and foodscaper Sue Torrance, amongst others.
Bookings though Quicket.
We hope you enjoyed Dennehof Diaries “We forgot Winter Words, but here are Spring Scribblings”.
Please stick around for our “Summer Scrawlings” as someone apparently needs to keep a watchful eye on our scheduling and deadlines.
Thank you for your support, please come visit us soon.