It seems incredulous that our last newsletter centered all around the inferno of a Karoo summer as we now find ourselves bundled up in warmies, keyboard-tapping away at speed to get some warmth flowing through numbed typing digits, amazed at the change that can happen in a mere few months.
Granted, Autumn Oracles is about six weeks behind intended schedule thanks to the busyness of the last few months, so temperature decreases in relation to months passed are currently measured more on newsletter-writing tardiness. Nevertheless, noticeable changes have indeed been the order of the day.
January and February saw our foreign visitors return in guest-tornado proportions, a dramatic and happy change from the previous post-covid blues season.
Post pandemic times also saw the reintroduction of exciting and much-missed events to Prince Albert, and as appreciative as we are for these positive changes, they did put everything admin related somewhat on the back burner.
But here we finally are, mailing out our Autumn news, better later than never.
Sending love along with positive changes,
Inga, Albert, Ferdinand, and the DKG Team

The change in season was particularly noticeable in homegrown produce. Our citrus hit a growth spurt with Seville marmalade simmering as we type, freshly squeezed orange juice gracing the breakfast tables, and ruby grapefruits awaiting their final blush of pink before harvesting.
Our relieved lettuce patch is finally singe and wilt-free, our pomegranates reddened and ripened, seeds bursting onto the breakfast granola and yogurt.

After a long, beautifully hot Karoo summer, the rains finally came, and we all lapped up the change as the mercury dropped and even some much anticipated rain fed dusty, dry soil and Ferdinand’s parched throat.

We loved the change of transforming the regal Grand Old Dame into an elegant evening fairytale wonderland of lights and laughter, marking the coming of age of Barmitzvah boy, Ben. Mazel Tov Ben, and thank you for celebrating in true Karoo style with the oldest existing homestead in Prince Albert as backdrop.

Although this newsletter is mainly about change, some things thankfully stay the same like Janine and Jeanica’s infectuous smiles that greet breakfast guests no matter the season.

Seeing red for all the right reasons, we absolutely love the transformation of our pedestrian gate from grey to Massey Ferguson red, er, um, apologies, International Harvester red as one of our guests was quick to point out.
Will we be brave enough to tackle the main gate, watch this space to see if we are red-y …

As our load shedding schedule changes more often than a chameleon on a Rubik’s Cube (please google ‘Rubik’s Cube if this rings no childhood memory bells), we are more and more thankful for these panels of gold keeping on the lights (and WiFi and plugs) when everyone is home.

Karoo happiness as seasons change along with the light, new beauty, and photo opportunities around every corner.
Book your stay and get your dose of Karoo happiness thrown in gratis with every booking.

We had some interesting curve balls changing the course of our last two Veld Feast dinners with one ending in the glass conservatory due to extreme wind (although not a bad Plan B, as the photo depicts), and the very last of the season sending guests fleeing to vehicle shelter after the heavens opened for a gloriuos five minutes of delicious rain.
Exclusive Veld Feast dinners are taking a seasonal break, resuming 1 October. Contact us to arrange your super-duper sunset sundowner scrumptious harvest table experience*.
*Booked in conjunction with a minimum two-night stay at Dennehof Karoo Guesthouse.

The inaugural Journey to Jazz festival has come and gone, and what a change it was to have such a magnificent event in our little Karoo dorp after the pandemic events drought.
As testament to the success of the event, five of our eight rooms have already been booked for Journey to Jazz 2024 by the same guests attending this year’s festival.
Jazz aficionados diarise 1 – 5 May 2024 for the return of this proudly Prince Albert production. Read more here and please take note that Dennehof Karoo Guesthouse is filling up fast, hurry to book your room here.

The Swartberg 100 Gran Fondo saw the guesthouse experience another sold out weekend as hundreds of crazy pedallers descended on our gorgeous town with the mountainous backdrop.
Many have already secured their rooms again for next year, obviously scenic beauty outshines pedal pain.

As we watch the landscape change from autumn to winter we are cognisant of the fact that every season has its beauty and charm and sometimes one must take time out and appreciate what is around us without wishing it away because it is too cold or too windy (as is evident by the flapping ear!).
Our autumn mantra:sit back and take it all in before it is gone for another 12 months.
We hope you enjoyed Dennehof Diaries “Autumn Oracles”, and that we have convinced you about the joys of visiting Prince Albert between summer and winter for a good mix of jazz, homegrown produce, cycling, beautiful scenery, and (mostly) lovely weather.
Please stick around for our “Winter Words” now coming sooner than you think.
Thank you for your support, please come visit Dennehof Karoo Guesthouse soon.